
How do I pay for the PH Travel Tax?


Follow these easy steps below

Please be reminded that the PH Travel Tax is only charged to Filipino passengers exiting the Philippines, with the following exemptions:


  1. Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs)
  2. Filipino permanent residents abroad whose stay in the Philippines is less than one (1) year
  3. Infants who are two (2) years old and below
  4. Foreign Diplomatic and Consular Officials and Members of their Staff
  5. Officials, Consultants, Experts, and Employees of the United Nations (UN) Organization and its agencies
  6. United States (US) Military Personnel including dependents and other US nationals with fares paid for by the US government or on US Government-owned or chartered transport facilities
  7. Crewmembers of airplanes flying international routes
  8. Philippine Foreign Service Personnel officially assigned abroad and their dependents
  9. Officials and Employees of the Philippine Government traveling on official business (excluding Government-Owned and Controlled Corporations)
  10. Grantees of foreign government funded trips
  11. Bona-fide Students with approved scholarships by appropriate government agency
  12. Personnel (and their dependents) of multinational companies with regional headquarters, but not engaged in business, in the Philippines
  13. Those authorized by the President of the Republic of the Philippines for reasons of national interest
  14. As provided under R.A. 6768, Balikbayans whose stay in the Philippines is less than one (1) year
  15. As provided under R.A. 6768, Family members of former Filipinos accompanying the latter


For more information, please visit our FAQs.

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